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Week One Discussion 2

Week One Discussion 2

Q Divirsity Dilemmas Read the dilemmas that you will find in the Group Exercises section of the textbook. We are reproducing them here for easy reference Diversity Dilemmas: Imagine that you are working in the HR department of your company. You come across the following scenarios in which your input has been sought. Discuss each scenario and propose an action plan for management. 1. Aimee is the mother of a newborn. She is very dedicated to her work but she used to stay for longer hours at work before she had her baby. Now she tries to schedule her work so that she leaves around 5:00 p.m. Her immediate manager feels that Aimee is no longer dedicated or committed to her work and is considering passing her over for a promotion. Is this decision fair? 2. Jack is a married man, while John is single. Your company has an assignment in a branch in Mexico that would last a couple of years. Management feels that John would be better for this assignment because he is single and is free to move. Is this decision fair? 3. A manager receives a request from an employee to take off a Thursday for religious reasons. The manager did not know that this employee was particularly religious and does not believe that the leave is for religious reasons. The manager believes that the employee is going to use this day as a personal day off. Should the manager investigate the situation? 4. A sales employee has painful migraines intermittently during the work day. She would like to take short naps during the day as a preventative measure, and she also needs a place where she can nap when a migraine occurs. Her immediate manager feels that this is unfair to the rest of the employees. 5. A department is looking for an entry-level cashier. One of the job applicants is a cashier with 30 years of experience as a cashier. The department manager feels that this candidate is overqualified for the job and is likely to be bored and leave the job in a short time. Instead, they want to pursue a candidate with six months of work experience who seems like a better fit for the position. Is this fair? Why or why not?” Choose one of the dilemmas and answer the questions posted at the end of the dilemma. Be sure to provide a rationale for your answers in the context of diversity in an organization. Add a second paragraph with an example from your own experience about how an organization manages diversity and how diversity can help productivity as well as the well-being and satisfaction of employees. Your main response should be between 250 and 300 words. All posts should add insight to the conversation and be relevant to the discussion question. Click on "Smarthinking/Online Tutoring" under NEC Resources in the Course Menu to access Smarthinking and receive valuable feedback. Post an original, research-based response to the discussion question by Friday at 11:59 PM EST. Reply to at least two classmates' posts (150 – 250 words) by Sunday at 11:59 PM EST.

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In dilemma five, Is it fair to hire a candidate with little work experience, and ignore a candidate with 30 years of experience? The answer is “No” it is never fair to discriminate irrespective of age, experience, gender, religion, and so on. According to the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Act prohibits discrimination of any kind whether language, race, color, gender, age, and many more (Sandroff, 2021). Also, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 prohibits employment discrimination against an individual who is 40 years or older. As we can see that an employee with 30 years of experience will be above 40 years and this is why he was discriminated against. Discrimination is an illegal or undesirable action that can lead to lawsuits.